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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
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At present, our focus in Literacy, is on reading. We are hoping through Whole School Initiatives that we encourage children to read more.

We started on this focus because teachers were concerned about how difficult it was for children to concentrate on reading for pleasure.

We have had lots of staff meetings to discuss reading and to see how we can make reading better for all.

Here are some of the ways we worked to promote reading in the school:

  1. Text books: Teachers felt that the text books werent always at the children's level. We invested a lot of money in PM books for Junior Classes. Children now read at their own level with support from class teachers and SET. Children bring home new books each week to read at home.
  2. Text books: We also looked at the text books in senior classes. The teachers felt that the books didnt reflect children's interests. The teachers looked at all books on the market. We have changed the reading scheme to reflect one that would be of more interest to the children.
  3. Accelerated Reading: We felt children needed to be encouraged to read more. We have invested in the Accelerated Reading Programme. Each child uses the Ipads to test their level. Books have been purchased for all book level. When your child finishes their book they do another online test to check their comprehension of the book. There are targets and prizes for each child as they improve their reading!
  4. Visiting Book Fair: Scholastic Book Fair visits our school once a year. At the Book Fair children can purchase books to read at home. We also get points for the school - so we can buy more books for school.
  5. Visiting authors: To encourage children to read more we have had authors visiting our school. To date we have had Gerry Boland, Alan Nolan and
  6. Buddy Reading: Children from the senior classes read with children in the Junior Classes. This encourages reading on both levels.
  7. Reading in Assembly - we bring our books to the hall and read together
  8. DEAR- Drop Everything and Read. Children (and teachers) get time to read in class.
  9. Infant Talk for Parents - Our Infant Teachers bring parents in for a meeting in the first term. At this meeting they talk about pre reading, writing and reading and homework.
  10. Preparation for school - We prepare a pack for parents before their child starts school. The pack has tips on literacy, reading books and phonics information
  11. Library Visits - We are lucky to be a short walk from Tubbercurry Library. The classes pay regular visits to the library.