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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Tesco Fruit and Vegetable Bags are going home with 4th class today | Say Yes to Languages - 4th, 5th, 6th - French with Julien takes place on Tuesday morning. | Pe on Tuesday for Junior Infants, 3rd and 5th. Please wear school tracksuit
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News Nuacht

2019/2020 School Year

12th Jun 2020
This week we were did a project about mini beasts.  After learning about a...
12th Jun 2020
This week will be our last week for Student of the Week. We know you are all tired...
9th Jun 2020
There is a lovely dedication to our outgoing 6th class in this week’s Sligo...
8th Jun 2020
Thank you for all the lovely photos you send in. Here is a short video of some...
5th Jun 2020
Thank you for sending in pictures and videos of your work. This is a video version...
5th Jun 2020
This week was a hard week. We have got to the final part of the school year and...
29th May 2020
Well done to everyone for continuing to work hard all week. This was a difficult...
28th May 2020
We would all like to be at school - but being at home in this beautiful weather...
26th May 2020
6th Class had a visit from David Horkan before the school closure. David talked...
26th May 2020
Our students working hard and benefiting from learning STEM subjects which include...