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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Tesco Fruit and Vegetable Bags are going home with 4th class today | Say Yes to Languages - 4th, 5th, 6th - French with Julien takes place on Tuesday morning. | Pe on Tuesday for Junior Infants, 3rd and 5th. Please wear school tracksuit
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News Nuacht

2019/2020 School Year

1st May 2020
Another detailed project on her favourite country Italy. Great work!
1st May 2020
A beautiful poem to start the month off with. Great work.
1st May 2020
Hello everyone! Well done on working hard at home all week. It has been hard not...
30th Apr 2020
Great work with this week's poem - Families. Well done!! 
30th Apr 2020
 A great geography project on her favourite country, Pakistan.  Well done!! 
29th Apr 2020
This week some pupils in First Class created a video of the story they have been...
27th Apr 2020
Some of our students of the week got their certificates in the post today. 
27th Apr 2020
Our Acting Bishop, Fr Dermot Meehan, has told us dates for First Communion will...