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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

News Nuacht

2023/2024 School Year

31st Jan 2024
We have Well-Being Wednesday every week in our school but today, for our Well-Being...
29th Jan 2024
This week, for Well-Being week, we are abandoning all written homework and doing...
27th Jan 2024
One of our Amber Flag objectives is to hold a fundraiser for the initiative’s...
26th Jan 2024
This week we are having our Well-Being Week at Holy Family NS.  We are having...
25th Jan 2024
Our Amber Flag Committee members from the Junior end of the school did a great job...
23rd Jan 2024
Junior Infants are really enjoying their dance lessons with Vicki.
22nd Jan 2024
Our Amber Flag Committee have been doing some mindfulness activities recently as...
22nd Jan 2024
The pupils on our Amber Flag Committee: 6th Class: Isabelle & Kevin ...
13th Jan 2024
Our Annual Admission Notice for the school year 2024 - 2025 has now been posted....