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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Tesco Fruit and Vegetable Bags are going home with 4th class today | Say Yes to Languages - 4th, 5th, 6th - French with Julien takes place on Tuesday morning. | Pe on Tuesday for Junior Infants, 3rd and 5th. Please wear school tracksuit
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6th Class

18th Jun 2020

It was lovely to see our 6th class back in Holy Family NS today. We couldnt go to the hall for our normal assembly but it was lovely to mark the end of the school year for these great children. Ms Taheny had lovely certificates and a leavers’ medal for everyone and Ms Brennan had a goodie pack. There was great excitement as we saw some people we hadnt seen since last March. St Attracta’s are so lucky to be getting so many special children! It reminded us of how much we have missed them all over the last number of months.