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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Jiving Juniors are coming to our school on Friday 14th. Children should wear tracksuits | Beidh an scoil dúnta ar an 17ú Márta do Lá Fhéile Padraig. | School is closed on Monday March 17th for St Patrick's Day. | Beidh an siopa Gaeilge ar oscailt an tseachtain seo!
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Accelerated Reader

19th Feb 2025

We love Accelerated Reader here are some AR reading snapshots from Holy Family NS.

“It helps us to know what level book we should be reading. I like the fact that I can reach my target.” Macdonald, 6th Class

I like that it helps us to learn more words. My favourite book quiz this year was Escape from Shangri-La. Rachel, 6th Class

“Accelerated reader encourages people who read a lot to read more, it also encourages people to get into reading outside school. My favourite author is Katie Kirby.” Tara 5th Class

“I think it is a great project because it helps to give a meaning to reading and it encourages all children to read. My favourite book series is Harry Potter. It is full of magic and adventure.” Oscar, 5th Class

“I love doing AR reading because I want to be a famous author when I grow up and AR is really inspiring me.” Hannah, 4th Class 

“I like AR because it is nice to get a prize and it pushes me to read more.” Kupa, 4th Class

“I like AR because it is encouraging people to read and reach reading targets.” Campbell, 4th Class

“I like AR because it encourages you to read more books. It also helps your language learning skills.” Hailey, 4th Class

“AR helps us know how we are doing, it helps us learn and it is making reading fun!” Hannah, 4th Class

“I like AR reading because it encourages people to read more books and they know what books to read within their level.” Zlata, 4th Class

“I like AR reading because it encourages me to read and at the end of each term you get a prize if you reach your target. It helps me to select books that I can read.” Peter, 3rd Class