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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Jiving Juniors are coming to our school on Friday 14th. Children should wear tracksuits | Beidh an scoil dúnta ar an 17ú Márta do Lá Fhéile Padraig. | School is closed on Monday March 17th for St Patrick's Day.
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Allianz Cumann na mBunscol

24th Jun 2019

This year's Cumann na mBunscol finals took place in Kilcoyne Park, Tubbercurry. The day was a great success and many thanks must go out to the staff and parents in Holy Family NS who helped out on the day. It was great to see so many of our past pupils and present pupils who came along to help out on the day. Thanks to Seán, John, Jerry, Enda and Eilise. We also had great help from some of our students who sold programmes and made sure the grounds were left nice and tidy afterwards. Míle buíochas.