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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Our School is closed until Monday January 6th. Happy Christmas everyone!
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Board of Management

11th Oct 2023

The term of the current Board of Management will come to an end at the end of November. The new Board of Management will commence their duty on December 1st. I would like to thank the current BOM for their work and support over the last 4 years. I would like to thank the parents nominees - Edel Carnahan and Sean McDonagh for their work with the BOM. I would also like to thank Maria Flynn and Gearoid Surlis (Community Representatives for their work. The final members of the BOM are Sr Angela (Marist Order) and  Elaine Gordon (Teacher Representative). We had two chairpersons over the last term - Fr Martin Jennings and Sr Mary Richardson. I would like to thank them both for their time and work with the BOM.

We will soon be seeking nominations for Parents Nominee to the BOM - a letter will be sent home to all families. Only parents/legal guardians of children enrolled in the school are eligible.

What is the Board of Management?

The Board of Management manages the school on behalf of the patron and is accountable to the patron and the Minister. The board must uphold the characteristic spirit (ethos) of the school and is accountable to the patron for so doing.

The principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school, including providing guidance and direction to the teachers and other staff of the school and is accountable for that management.

The Board of Management comprises of the following members:
Two direct nominees of the Patron
Two parents elected from parents in the school (one being a mother, one being a father)
The Principal of the school
One other serving teacher of the school
Two extra members proposed by the above nominees

Board of Management members are required to attend BOM meetings and training.

Board of Management members will be required to be Garda Vetted.

Individual members of the Board are required to keep the matters discussed at BOM meetings confidential.