Access Keys:

Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

Car Park

18th Nov 2020

We are very lucky to have a lovely car park beside our school. This is thanks to many years of work by our Parents’ Association, our staff, our BOM and local councillors. To open this car park the BOM applied for funding from Clár. Thanks to David Goulden and local County Council workers we got the car park open.

The BOM have now received extra funding of 31000 Euro for the car park from Clár. Thanks to everyone who did work for this over the summer months. We will update you when work is going to start.

Unfortunately, we have had complaints ot the office about the car park. If we want to use the school car park we all have to be careful and to take special care – knowing there are so many special children in our school!

  • There should be no drop down or parking on double yellow lines. These areas should be kept clear. If you park there you could cause a car accident.
  • Our school is a no-smoking environment. This means there should be no smoking in our grounds.
  • The lane between the school and the car park belongs to the Marist Order. They have been kind enough to allow us use this lane for safe access to the school. Fences and gates shouldn’t be climbed on.
  • We all give good example to the children in our care. Please remember this in the school car park – we should all use language that is appropriate for children.
  • Drive carefully and slowly in the car park. Follow the arrows. There is also parking available at the church if you can’t use our car park carefully.

We have had complaints about everything mentioned above. If we want to keep the car park open we need to take care and keep it safe for every child.