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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

Christmas Cheer in Rang a Sé

18th Dec 2020

Ms Tuohy’s class have been very busy in preparation for Christmas and they have thoroughly enjoyed all of their festive activities.

At the beginning of December the children worked in two teams, boys and girls, to create a lovely festive door design for the hall and they also made their very own Christmas tree. Both teams worked fantastically together and the end result is very impressive.

The hall is full of Christmas cheer as it is decorated from top to bottom with all of the children’s art work. They constructed 3D paper snowflakes, painted Santa Claus and Rudolph, created a Christmas tree scene using oil pastels and they also designed some carol singers using card!

We can’t forget about the letters they wrote and all of the cards they made for the residents in Bailey’s Nursing Home and for the elderly in our community. They even managed to squeeze in some time to write their very own Christmas poetry! 

6th Class really have worked tremendously hard this term and Ms Tuohy is very proud of each and every one of them! 

What a talented bunch they are! 🎄🎅🏻