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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

Christmas Choral Night

26th Nov 2019

Tickets for the Christmas Choral night are now on sale at the great price of 10 Euro. This is always a great night and we are very thankful to the Parents' Association for organising this fund raiser for our school. Cathal Gavin is our main act on the night. Last year he impressed all with his stunning voice. St Attracta's will also be entertaining us on the night with many of their talented students. Coolaney Gospel Choir and Trad Trio will also feature. Of course our own school choir are always a headline act and we would like to thank Ms Cooney and Ms Burke for the work they have done to prepare the choir. 

The money raised goes towards the Parents' Association activities - inviting Santa and the Easter Bunny to our school, organising the First Communion Party and also supporting the school by providing us with money in the school. All of your children benefit from the work of the PA and we encourage everyone to purchase a ticket.