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Christmas Shopping - let's buy some books too

3rd Dec 2020

There are wonderful new Irish companies out there now selling great books and toys. In these Covid times, it is great to be able to safely buy online and have home delivery.

Children want the latest toys of course but it is nice to have some other options too. Toys that can be used to expand the imagination; Toys that have more then one use; Toys without batteries; Wooden toys; Dressing up outfits. 

Children's mood is regulated and improved when they play creatively and expressively. When they spend too much time with electronic games they can become very frustrated and angry. It is good to have a balance of different toys and activities - and don't forget to join in the fun too!

And, what about the books?

Reading a bedtime story to your children has many benefits which include: 

  • It enriches their language development on multiple levels. ...
  • It grows their imagination and appreciation for stories. ...
  • It gives them an outlet for empathy. ...
  • It builds their vocabulary so they can be well-spoken. ...
  • It encourages engagement and conversation. ...
  • It offers a chance to be silly with your little one.

It's wonderful to see ALDI and LIDL and other shops selling great sturdy wooden toys. These toys have always been a staple for children in other European countries and are now in more and more Irish homes which is great for learning and development. 

Here are some Irish companies with lovely educational toys, books and gifts:

Book Station


Sensational Kids

Opening Minds

We all learn a lot from stories - Social stories are a very good resource to help children understand and cope with various social situations. You can always search for one to help you with a particular difficulty your child might be facing

Social Stories