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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

Confirmation 2020

9th Mar 2020

Congratulations to all the children in 5th class who made their confirmation on Sunday March 8th. Thanks to Fr Gallagher who celebrated the mass. It was a lovely ceremony and well done to the children who were excellently behaved in the church. All the children had a job to do on the day - which added to the lovely ceremony. A big thank you to the children who turned up to sing in the choir. Thanks to Cara Burke, Ms McDonagh and Ms Conlon for the preparation work with the choir. Thanks also to Martina who played with the choir. 

Thanks to Ms S Cooney and Ms G Cooney for preparing the class for their big day. Thanks to Mr Cawley, Ms Gordon, Ms Cooney, Ms McDonagh, Ms Burke for helping out on the day. Well done everyone!