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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

COVID reminders

18th Nov 2020

We are now on our 12th week back at school. It is starting to feel as if we were always here. It is important to remind ourselves that life is still not back to normal and that we all need to keep up our efforts to keep our school open. Thank you all for your help so far.


However, we never know when we might come in contact with a person who has COVID 19. If a child or a teacher tests positive the whole class may be forced to isolate for 2 weeks. We all need to take extra care coming up to Christmas to ensure we can have a nice Christmas season.

Here are some reminders:

  • Everyplace inside the school gates is for children and staff only. This is to limit the number of people staff and children come in contact with.
  • Any adult in the school or the playground should wear a face mask and sign the COVID tracing book in reception.
  • If your child has any symptoms – cough, sore throat, temperature, loss of taste/smell, tiredness – please don’t send them to school.
  • If a child comes to school with symptoms they will be sent to the isolation room and will have to go home. If your child is sent home you must contact your doctor. This is a free service.
  • Everyone is asked to take a step back from other people – keeping a safe distance. Think of this when you collect your child.
  • Children should wash their hands before school. Children will sanitise their hands when they come to school. Children will wash their hands and use the sanitiser during the school day.

Last time when the schools went in to lock down we all got a shock. The teachers had only a couple of hours to prepare work. In case a lock down happens again the teachers are now preparing children for this. Senior classes will be looking at Google Classroom in class. Their teacher may put homework up on Google Classroom.

Parent- Teacher meetings: The Department of Education have stated that there will be no face to face meetings this term. This is for Health and Safety reasons. Arrangments for progress reports will be made later this year.