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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Tesco Fruit and Vegetable Bags are going home with 4th class today | Say Yes to Languages - 4th, 5th, 6th - French with Julien takes place on Tuesday morning. | Pe on Tuesday for Junior Infants, 3rd and 5th. Please wear school tracksuit
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Erasmus+ Visitors 🇪🇺

17th Oct 2019

Today in school we welcomed teachers from our partner schools for the first meeting for our Erasmus+ KA229 project. Ms. Brennan co-ordinated this visit.  

Our partner schools are in Estonia. Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Spain. 

This project is focusing on Digital Learning in the Early Years.

In the morning we brought our visiting teachers to our local preschool facilities, Lollipop Lane and Tubbercurry FRC. 

In the afternoon there was digital training with our BeeBots,  for our European colleagues led by Ms. Conlon, along with Ms. Gordon, Junior Infants and First Class. Tomorrow our BlueBots will be demonstrated in use with Senior Infants.