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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

First Communion

4th Oct 2020

This year is a year like no other. We have experienced many changes to our daily lives. Events we have looked forward to have had to be changed. 

Our First Communion was due to take place on Saturday October 10th. Following tonight's news there is a possibility that we will go to Level 5 lockdown. This is due to the rise in numbers of people who have caught the CoronaVirus. This lockdown is to reduce our chances of contracting the virus. 

Fr Gallagher has brought the First Communion forward to Monday evening at 8pm. If this does not suit your family there hopefully will be an opprtunity next summer to make Communion with this year's 2nd class. 

Letter from Fr Gallagher (4th Oct 2020) View download letter