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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Jiving Juniors are coming to our school on Friday 14th. Children should wear tracksuits | Beidh an scoil dúnta ar an 17ú Márta do Lá Fhéile Padraig. | School is closed on Monday March 17th for St Patrick's Day.
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Guest Speakers for Engineers Week 2022

14th Mar 2022

To help us celebrate ‘Engineers Week’ we were treated to a special visit from Willie Lawlor and Deirdre O’Hara, of J.B  Barry and Partners, to give us an insight into what it is like to be an engineer. 

Willie and Deirdre shared lots of interesting information with us about their jobs as a structural and geotechnical engineer and we got a chance to participate in lots of fun activities that made us think like engineers too! They showed us some of the projects that they have worked on in the past and we loved asking lots of questions about their jobs and listening to all of the experience that they have. 

We are very lucky to have such wonderful parents here in Holy Family National School.

We hope that Willie and Deirdre will come back and visit us again soon!