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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
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Internet Safety with Jeremy

25th Mar 2025

On Thursday Jeremy Pagden from Lurtel visited our class to talk about staying safe while using the internet.

Here are some of the things we learned:

" Make a secret word in your family"
"Turn off location and question everything!"
"Make a secret code. The person that makes snapchat can see"
"Reject all cookies. Snapchat looks at all your information to be rich. You and your family should make a secret code. Watch out for scams."
" Don't accept cookies"
" The owner of snapchat can stalk everyone and everything on their phone"
"3 seconds of your voice is dangerous"
"Reject all cookies"
"That the owner of snapchat looks at your private messages and photos"
"It's very easy to make fake videos"
" To have a secret word with your family to identify a scam call. Never accept cookies!"
"Don't press accept cookies decline them or make a family safe name like food and then you ask them they wont know it"
" Question everything on the internet"