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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

New Infants

18th Aug 2020

A letter has been sent home to the parents of Junior Infants who are starting in September. Parents must complete an enrolment application form before they can be offered a place. If you haven't completed a form please contact our secretary at Our Junior Infants will visit the school on Tuesday August 25th to see their class and to meet their teacher, Ms Gordon. Children are coming in small groups to allow for social distancing. Staff will be wearing masks/visors and parents should do the same. 

School starts for Junior Infants on Monday August 31st. School starts at 920. Children in infants will finish at 12.10 for the first 2 weeks. Junior Infants will finish at 2pm from Monday September 14th. 

We are looking forward to seeing you all.