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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo


18th Nov 2020

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Here are some notes from our Newsletter. 


Pupil Personal Accident Insurance with Allianz is available from Eilise in the office. The cost of insurance is  4.80 Euro for school hours only and 7.20 for 24 hour cover. Further information in the NEWS Section of our website.

Well done to all the children and teachers who worked together to  achienve a Discover Primary Science Award for 2019-2020 school year. It was harder to do the work last year so I would like to thank everyone for supporting this work.The trophy will be on our school wall with our other awards.  6th Class will be on Zoom on Friday morning to receive the award.

Thank you all for your support for our Fancy Dress Fund Raiser before Halloween. It was lovely to see all the child – and teachers – dressed up on the day of the holidays. A little bit of normal living for us all!! Our fund raiser collected 400 Euro for Temple Street. Temple Street Temple Street have sent us a certificate which is on our website.

Lunches seem to be going well at present. If your child isnt eating the lunches please feel free to cancel the lunches. We have to pay 2.90 Euro per day, per child, for lunches.

Lunch orders must be changed before midnight on Fridays.

Life in our school is different for the staff this year. The only time the staff all get together is at the front gate at 3pm when all the children have gone home. Staff are on extra yard duty and mornign supervision to give your child more space on the yard. Staff cannot take breaks altogether and have to use the staff room in Pods. We have a great staff and I would like to thank them for all their cooperation during the last challenging year.

Our staff meetings are also different. We communicate through phones and messages. We also have done the Zoom meetings. There are times when we have to get everyone together to look at how things are working in school.

Our last staff meeting before Christmas will be on Friday December 4th. Children will be going home at 1pm on this day. Children will start leaving school from 1245. We will send a text to you to let you know when to collect your child.