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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

News Nuacht

2022/2023 School Year

20th Dec 2022
We made some food for Santa's reindeer this morning! We used porridge oats, dried...
20th Dec 2022
This afternoon we had two discos in the school hall! First, Junior Infants -...
20th Dec 2022
Children from Junior Infants to Second Class enjoyed some hot chocolate and a Christmas...
20th Dec 2022
This morning 2nd - 6th class took part in our Bumper Christmas Quiz. Things got...
16th Dec 2022
Last week, Martina Killian from Nature Inspires facilitated a session on sustainable...
15th Dec 2022
Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd Class have been busy learning Christmas...
15th Dec 2022
Children from 5th and 6th class have been busy creating decorations for the Christmas...
14th Dec 2022
Our school will be open for enrolment of pupils for September 2023 at the end of...
14th Dec 2022
This newsletter was emailed to all parents today. School will open at 10.15 on...
14th Dec 2022
The Parents' Association are running a fund raising Christmas Raffle. Tickets are...