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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

News Nuacht

2021/2022 School Year

8th Sep 2021
Children start arriving at school at 9.00 for a 9.10 start Children in 3rd Class...
8th Sep 2021
School starts at 9am for all pupils. Children in Junior Infants enter the school...
7th Sep 2021
Senior Infants and their teacher Mr. Ó Tiarnáin went on a nature walk...
3rd Sep 2021
If your child develops symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 while in school, they...
1st Sep 2021
Children start arriving in school at 9am for a 9.10 start Children in 2nd Class...
1st Sep 2021
Children start arriving at school at 9am for a 9.10 start Children in 1st Class...
1st Sep 2021
Children can start arriving for school at 9am Children in Senior Infants enter...
31st Aug 2021
Today we welcomed Fr Vincent Sherlock to our school. Fr Vincent visited all the...
30th Aug 2021
This morning our new Junior Infants started their journey with us here in Holy Family...
30th Aug 2021
This morning we welcomed all our pupils back to school. Here are some pictures of...