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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

News Nuacht

2021/2022 School Year

29th Aug 2021
We are all familiar with guidelines about COVID19 over the last number of years. ...
25th Aug 2021
24th Aug 2021
COVID 19 remains with us in our community. Because of this our school will open...
19th Aug 2021
Our school will reopen on Monday August 30th for all pupils. Further information...
6th Aug 2021
We send our sympathies to the Marist Sisters and to the Kenny Family following the...

2020/2021 School Year

28th Jul 2021
School is due to reopen, for all pupils, on Monday August 30th. School will reopen...
24th Jun 2021
On Tuesday we bid farewell to our current 6th class. They have been an absolute...
24th Jun 2021
6th Class had a busy final week in Holy Family NS, but it was definitely a very...
21st Jun 2021
Here is a video of the results of a recent poll 6th class voted on about each other:...