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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

Santa’s Robin visits First Class

7th Dec 2020

December 1st: 

We got a great surprise to find a Robin in our classroom with a letter from Santa! 
Santa explained in his letter that he had sent us his special robin, called Robbie, to keep an eye on us to make sure we are all being kind and keeping safe. 
Robbie stays in our classroom by day and reports back to Santa at night. Robbie stays very still when humans are around. He moves around our classroom when no one is there leaving a trail of glitter wherever he goes!


December 7th: 

Today we put the finishing touches to our letters to Santa. Last week we did a draft letter and self edited it. 
We are sending it to Santa with Robbie as it will get to the North Pole very quickly with him! 

December 9th: 

Today we were practicing asking questions so we thought of questions we would like to ask Robbie Robin. We thought of lots of questions so we decided on our favourite five! Teacher typed them out and we put them beside Robbie Robin before we went home. We really hope he replies to us!