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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo
Jiving Juniors are coming to our school on Friday 14th. Children should wear tracksuits | Beidh an scoil dúnta ar an 17ú Márta do Lá Fhéile Padraig. | School is closed on Monday March 17th for St Patrick's Day.
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Tag Rugby

10th Oct 2019

Children from 5th and 6th classes took part in a Tag Rugby Blitz in Sligo Rugby Club on Thursday October 10th. There was no weather warning in Sligo but despite that the rain and wind blew in! The children didnt notie the terrible day and started the morning in a parade representing France. Everyone had a great time and who knows we might have budding rugby stars in our school. Thanks to Ms Burke and Eilise for bringing the children.