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Virtual Training from Estonia - Robotics in Early Years Education

28th May 2021

Ms Brennan took part in the latest training programme of our Erasmus+ project called Full STEAM Ahead. This should have taken place in Estonia by our partner Maiki and her colleagues in the Linnupesa pre-school. Of course, like most things these days, the training was delivered virtually using Google Meet. The title of hte trainig programme was "Using Educational Robots with young Children" - Ozobot, Sphero Bolt, Dash & Dot. The training last three days and teachers from all of the five partner schools joined Claire for the training. 

The training began on Wednesday with an introduction to Estonia and then more especially to Tallin, the capital, where the pre-school is located. There are some great short videos here that you can watch too. Maiki and her colleagues then gave a great expanation of the Education system in Estonia and the way that families avail of the education on offer.

We have invested in four OZOBOT Bit Kits and they are available for any of our class teachers to use with their classes. Lessons can be designed according to the topics being taught and the level in each class.

Here are some videos to to give an overview of Estonia and its capital Tallinn

A Brief overview of Estonia


Be sure to Visit Kalamaja


Estonian education system presentation
Prezi about the Estonian Education System

Animation about child's day in kindergarten
  A child's Day in pre-school   Introducing our kindergarten: Tallinna Linnupesa Lasteaed:   Our Partner's pre-school
Outdoor tour:   Liis does an outdoor tour for us

Dash&Dot and Spero introduction:   Intro to Dash & Dot   Our activity with Dash      Dash and Dot in the Tallinn Pre-school   Animation with Dash   View the animation made
Sphero introduction   Learn what Sphero is all about