Well-Being Wednesday
We have Well-Being Wednesday every week in our school but today, for our Well-Being Week we are doing extra activities around the school.
Some classes are having guided meditation in Ms. Conlon's room in small groups, while other's are doing some yoga in their classrooms.
We are all trying to connect with a friend today. Pupils and staff, are encouraged to check in on a friend, play with someone different on the yard or ask someone to make a jigsaw with you, for example.
We are doing lessons around the '5 Ways to Well-Being' today also. Our Amber Flag Committee have put a display together of these on the main corridor.
We also have a Well-Being QR sheet, for accessing some activities to help us all with our well-being.
It is attached below in a document for you to access too!
Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo, Ireland
Phone: +353 71 918 6291