
Full Steam Ahead
Click here to view the website for the project.
We are currently working with five other schools across Europe on a 24 month KA229 Strategic Partnership. Our partner schools are in Kristiansand in Norway, Granada in Spain, Kursenai in Lithuania, Riga in Latvia and Tallinn in Estonia. We are working together to develop digital learning in early years education. Teachers will visit each of the partner schools and undertake training in a new area of digital learning. Senior pupils will have the opportunity to travel to our partner school in Granada, Spain in May 2020 and May 2021 to spend a week there on a pupil exchange visit.
This year, 2019, we secured a grant for an Erasmus+ KA101 project in staff development. Our teachers have availed of training on Wellness while in Croatia; Art while in Italy, Stem while in Spain; Digital Training while in Greece. The final training programme of this KA101 will be on Outdoor Education while in Alicante in Spain next Easter (2020).
We recently got the good news that we have been awarded a grant to offer our staff some further training over a period of 12 months from June 1st 2020 to June 1st 2021. The training courses will be in the following areas: Teacher and pupil wellness; Digital teaching and learning; Combating early school leaving. We have received funding for 10 mobilities. We have also received funding for 6 mobilities to experience job-shadowing in France, Estonia and Iceland.
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Our school has been involved in the Lifelong Learning Programme since 2009. At that time, it was known as the Comenius Programme.
We took part in multilateral partnerships in 2009 and 2012. Each of these lasted 24 months. In 2009, we worked with schools in Poland, France, Germany and Spain. The project was called It's EUR Life! and the theme of the project was Healthy body, mind and school; and, Socially Acceptable Behaviour. It was only teachers who travelled to visit partner schools during the first project undertaken by us.
The second project which began in 2012 was called Schools United - Stronger Together. It was about Mathematics underpinning every area of the school curriculum. We worked with schools in Iceland, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Turkey, Finland and Poland. Teachers visited all of the partner schools and pupils got the opportunity to visit Hungary.
We worked on a KA219 Erasmus+ project from 2017 - 2019. It was called Cool Science for Young Scientists. We worked with six other schools on the theme of science experiments using the three elements of Water, Fire and Air. The schools we worked with were in Lesbos Isand in Greece, Mugla in Turkey, Tiszafured in Hungary, Marburg in Germany, Ljubljana in Slovenia and the Gaelscoil in Balina, Co, Mayo. Senior pupils had the opportunity to visit Hungary, Germany and Slovenia. Teachers from our school visited each of the partner schools.
Over the years our staff have availed of Comenius Inservice training throughout Europe. Some teachers have studied in Czech Republic, Iceland and Latvia.
Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo, Ireland
Phone: +353 71 918 6291