Restorative Practice
Our school is one of 12 schools that was selected in Ireland to take part in the Restorative Practice Programme. As part of this programme all of the staff were trained in Restorative Practices and Circle Time.
We completed the training and then Covid came. So the teachers worked with PDST to retrain in Circle Time and Restorative Practice.
Here are our Restorative Questions:
What happened?
What were you thinking at the time?
What have you thought about since?
Who has been hurt?
How could you have done things differently
What should happen next?
We have designed our RP cards with Brouder Marketing. We also have a notice board.
We talked about the RP questions at assembly.
We also met the RP Giraffe. The Giraffe is picked as a talking tool for Circle Time because they are taller than other animals and can see all persepectives. Giraffes also have the biggest heart!
We are having a RP Giraffe Art Competition! Look out for our lovely pictures
Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo, Ireland
Phone: +353 71 918 6291