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Holy Family National School, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo

News Nuacht

2023/2024 School Year

14th Sep 2023
We have been learning to sort by colour this week.
14th Sep 2023
In our school we use the Textparent Messaging Service to send text messages to parents....
14th Sep 2023
This year the nasal flu vaccine is being offered, by the HSE Community Vaccination...
12th Sep 2023
Shane Hayes is restarting the Games 4 All Programme on September 16th. If your child...
12th Sep 2023
Michelle Lally is the new Community Inclusion Worker for Tubbercurry. She works in...
10th Sep 2023
Ms Gordon is so happy with how well the Junior Infants have settled into school....
7th Sep 2023
Here are some ideas to help your child as they start school
7th Sep 2023
This year the Department of Education will be introducing a new Primary Maths Curriculum....
25th Aug 2023
The school bus is organised by parents. Payment for the bus is organised between...